
Early Years Admissions:

For information about admission to our Early Years setting at three and four years of age, please see our Pre-school section on the website.

Attendance at this provision does not guarantee a place in the reception class, as the Local Authority admissions procedure needs to be followed to gain a place in reception.

Main School Admissions:

Children enter the reception class in the September of the academic year in which they are five. For the LA admissions procedure, please see the Gloucestershire website for details at: School admissions | Gloucestershire County Council

If your child is already at a primary school, contact us about spaces and we will help you with the in-year admissions process.

For new children, we ensure that the transition into school is easy and enjoyable. Our experienced staff meet with parents and pre-school providers well before their start and arrange for children to visit for ‘settling in sessions.’ For new children settling in to other year groups, we arrange settling in sessions individually.

Article 28- Children have the right to an education. 

Article 29- Education should develop a child's talents, personalities and beliefs.